Thursday 30 January 2014

Mu-Mu provide PA for Juan Martin at Hellens House Barn.

Mu-Mu provided the sound reinforcement for another sell out event at Hellens house barn on November 14th. The artist in question was Juan Martin and the audience were left spellbound by the emotion and virtuosity of his playing. It was a privilege to engineer for this modest and extraordinarily talented guitarist. His storytelling in between his playing was both humorous and fascinating, the story that had everyone totally immersed being his account of when he was asked to play at Pablo Picassos 90th birthday party. Juan was very happy with the sound that we provided for him, thanking us and saying that we had "made his guitar fly tonight" We look forward to the return of Juan Martin at Hellens for what will surely be another amazing evening.

Equipment used for Juan Martin.
Yamaha digital mixing console.
Lake LM26 Loudspeaker management and EQ
15 inch Multi cabinets
12 inch BMS monitors.
Lab Gruppen amplifiers.
Shure Microphones.

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