Thursday 23 January 2014

Exhibition in Nature Morte Gallery in Berlin

Matthew from Mu-Mu composed and helped install this Light and Sound installation with The Artist and Ian Jenkins.

Nature Morte is pleased to announce UNDERPASS, Mark Prime's first Berlin exhibition.

Quietly occupied with light and sound over many years, Mark Prime (b. 1963, United Kingdom) engages these elements in a site-specific installation, UNDERPASS, at Nature Morte, Berlin. Prime’s first exhibition in Berlin opens on the 15th of November and remains on view until 7 February 2014.

Underpass takes its cues from the Light and Space movement of the 1960s in California, drawing on the artist’s abiding interest in minimalism and geometric abstraction together with his experience as a musician and composer in the 1980s and 1990s. In this installation, Prime explores the visual irregularities born of seriality and repetition, the breaks and glitches in everyday patterns, and the simple synchronicity between light and sound. Engaging with elements of architecture, Underpass speaks to experiences of urban spaces that are immediate and recognizable while immersing viewers in a sensory environment that is haunting and unfamiliar.

The sound piece for Underpass has been composed by Prime in collaboration with Matthew Devenish of UK sound innovators, Celluloid. Mark Prime’s career of two-decades in music led to a degree in Visual Arts and Media in Cheltenham in the mid-90s. His multi-media practice has included various site-specific installations across cities in India, where he has lived and worked over the past eight years.

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