Thursday 23 January 2014

Art Installation for Turner Prize Winner Martin Creed

Mu-Mu also are known for their cutting edge approach to AV installations for Art Galleries.

An installation for The Turner Prize winning artist Martin Creed was devised and installed with Mark Prime of PrimeArtProjects, originally in The Hauser and Wirth Gallery in Piccadilly, It was also installed at The Ikon gallery in Birmingham in 2006. It is just going to be installed in a lift as part of The SouthBank Choral festival as work 409.

The methodology involved using wireless sensors in the lift, and audio speakers, all being controlled from a Mac running Max/MSP.

The Work No. 371: Elevator ooh/aah up/down 2004. A beautiful four-part sung harmony, encountered through travelling in the gallery’s elevator. As it moves, the voices sing a musical scale, chromatically up or down.

Here is a YouTube link to the version at The Ikon Gallery Lift

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