Thursday 30 January 2014

Peatbog Faeries at Hellens House Big Barn.

The first in a series of concerts at Hellens House Big Barn was to be the Peatbog Faeries. With a reputation for being one of the finest live acts in the country we needed to be fully prepared for anything that they could throw at us from a technical perspective. They had their own engineer and he was going to be using his own Digital console. Those of you who have been lucky enough to see the Peatbog Faeries know that they like their Bass, and lots of it, so we sent plenty of subs over, 18.s and 15,s just to be on the safe side. The limiting factor was going to be the power supply as we had over 10K set aside for subs alone. Nevertheless all went well with a packed venue and a great support band in the form of Journeyman from Worcester providing an excellent opening set. The Peatbog Faeries lived up to their reputation as a fantastic live act, and with no complaints from their engineer and compliments from the crowd we were very happy with the sound. Lets  hope they make a return to Hellens before too long, maybe we can use our new Digico console for the next gig.

Equipment used for the PBF,s

Allen and Heath GLD 80 mixing console.
Lake LM 26 Loudspeaker management and EQ
Lab Gruppen and Lexon SAE amplifiers for FOH
D Mark loudspeaker management and Yamaha P series amplifiers for Monitors.
15 inch coaxial and 12 inch BMS wedges.
15 inch multi Mid/Top cabinets with BMS and Faital drivers.
18 inch BMS reflex subwoofers.
15 inch RCF reflex subwoofers.

Shure and Electrovoice microphones.

Mu-Mu provide PA for Juan Martin at Hellens House Barn.

Mu-Mu provided the sound reinforcement for another sell out event at Hellens house barn on November 14th. The artist in question was Juan Martin and the audience were left spellbound by the emotion and virtuosity of his playing. It was a privilege to engineer for this modest and extraordinarily talented guitarist. His storytelling in between his playing was both humorous and fascinating, the story that had everyone totally immersed being his account of when he was asked to play at Pablo Picassos 90th birthday party. Juan was very happy with the sound that we provided for him, thanking us and saying that we had "made his guitar fly tonight" We look forward to the return of Juan Martin at Hellens for what will surely be another amazing evening.

Equipment used for Juan Martin.
Yamaha digital mixing console.
Lake LM26 Loudspeaker management and EQ
15 inch Multi cabinets
12 inch BMS monitors.
Lab Gruppen amplifiers.
Shure Microphones.

Thursday 23 January 2014

Live Sound For Connie Lush at Hellens Great Barn December 7th

A very successful gig providing the P.A and mixing the Sound for Connie Lush at Hellens house on 7th December 2013. It is always nice when members of the audience and the band say how amazing the sound was.
This from the promoter:
'We always use these guys now, we want to keep our reputaion of putting on quality events with great tech. We haven't found better quality than this. People always comment on how good the sound is. Highly recomended' Versatile Arts
If you have any events you need great sound for, get in contact!

Exhibition in Nature Morte Gallery in Berlin

Matthew from Mu-Mu composed and helped install this Light and Sound installation with The Artist and Ian Jenkins.

Nature Morte is pleased to announce UNDERPASS, Mark Prime's first Berlin exhibition.

Quietly occupied with light and sound over many years, Mark Prime (b. 1963, United Kingdom) engages these elements in a site-specific installation, UNDERPASS, at Nature Morte, Berlin. Prime’s first exhibition in Berlin opens on the 15th of November and remains on view until 7 February 2014.

Underpass takes its cues from the Light and Space movement of the 1960s in California, drawing on the artist’s abiding interest in minimalism and geometric abstraction together with his experience as a musician and composer in the 1980s and 1990s. In this installation, Prime explores the visual irregularities born of seriality and repetition, the breaks and glitches in everyday patterns, and the simple synchronicity between light and sound. Engaging with elements of architecture, Underpass speaks to experiences of urban spaces that are immediate and recognizable while immersing viewers in a sensory environment that is haunting and unfamiliar.

The sound piece for Underpass has been composed by Prime in collaboration with Matthew Devenish of UK sound innovators, Celluloid. Mark Prime’s career of two-decades in music led to a degree in Visual Arts and Media in Cheltenham in the mid-90s. His multi-media practice has included various site-specific installations across cities in India, where he has lived and worked over the past eight years.

Art Installation for Turner Prize Winner Martin Creed

Mu-Mu also are known for their cutting edge approach to AV installations for Art Galleries.

An installation for The Turner Prize winning artist Martin Creed was devised and installed with Mark Prime of PrimeArtProjects, originally in The Hauser and Wirth Gallery in Piccadilly, It was also installed at The Ikon gallery in Birmingham in 2006. It is just going to be installed in a lift as part of The SouthBank Choral festival as work 409.

The methodology involved using wireless sensors in the lift, and audio speakers, all being controlled from a Mac running Max/MSP.

The Work No. 371: Elevator ooh/aah up/down 2004. A beautiful four-part sung harmony, encountered through travelling in the gallery’s elevator. As it moves, the voices sing a musical scale, chromatically up or down.

Here is a YouTube link to the version at The Ikon Gallery Lift