Friday 22 March 2019

Linda Tolchard Wild Rose Album and BBC Radio Lancashire Performance

Catching up on very belated blog posts from our FB page.

We have finished the Mixing on Linda Tolchards new album "Wild Rose" It is a great collection of Celtic favorites with a couple of more contemporary tracks to add a bit of contrast. We are really pleased with the final product, as is Linda. thanks to Jon Astley at for his mastering skills. Linda was selected by BBC Radio Lancashire to perform live on the John Gillmore show. A great performance by Linda and her band, and the first time the BBC had had a £25000 harp in the theater. Great broadcast sound courtesy of Chris and the rest of the John Gillmore crew. If you want to hear the concert it is still available on BBC I Player for a couple more weeks just look for radio Lancashire and the John Gillmore show. Here are a few Pics of the day.

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