Friday 22 March 2019

And Also The Trees 3 nights supporting The Cure at Hammersmith Apollo

Matthew from Mu-Mu Audio doing Front of House sound for And Also The Trees supporting The Cure for 3 nights in December 2014. At Hammersmith Apollo. DiGiCo Sd8 rather than our usual Sd9 and an L acoustics line array. Day 1 no soundcheck, day 2 15 minute sound check, day 3 1 hour but I didn't need more than 5 minutes! @matthewdevenish19 @s.huwjones @chillmoose90 @andalsothetrees #digico#livesoundengineer #pahire #andalsothetrees #thecure#hammersmithapollo #recordingstudio @ Hammersmith Apollo London

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