Thursday 9 April 2015

Mu-Mu Audio's day out to an Anechoic Chamber!

Firstly we would like to say a huge thanks to Dr Tim Collins and the Department of Electronic, Electrical & Systems Engineering at Birmingham University for allowing us to come and do some loudspeaker analysis in this anechoic chamber. It is a very weird experience at first to be in this environment, very quiet, with no noticeable reflections. After a time in here, you start to hear the sound of your own head - it must be especially bad if you have tinnitus!
Anyway a successful day was had, testing the driver frequency responses, and setting crossovers, checking phase and equing the boxes for anechoic flatness. Looking forward to going back to run some further tests, maybe dispersion angles and freefield responses.
Speaker cabinet and test mic
Analysis software

Speaker analysis looking very flat after some minor eq adjustments

Another Speaker with the test microphone

Matthew comparing the iPad spectrum analyser

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