Sunday 18 July 2010

mu-mu back at Wyastone Leys

Mu-Mu returned to Wyastone Leys on 1st of July for a recording session with very talented pianist Rachel M Davis from Evesham. Rachel had ten original pieces to record, the intention being to release her first CD of original material later in the Autumn. Rachel and her partner Jerry had spoken to numerous recording studios in the area before deciding to place the recording in the hands of Mu-Mu. The beautiful Steinway at Wyastone perfectly complemented Rachel's superb playing. Ten tracks were recorded during the day followed by a video session filmed by Nina Jones. We were impressed with Rachel's level of preparation and nearly all the tracks were recorded with a single take. Mixing and mastering took place and our traditional attention to detail seems to have paid off once again. The Steinway sounds fantastic and Rachel has written a very classy collection of piano tracks that are sure to attract the attention of anyone who listens to them. It was a real pleasure working with Rachel and Jerry and we wish them every success with this debut recording. Once we have further details we will post them on the blog and website.

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