Tuesday 30 March 2010

Trees back at the Barn

Last weekend saw the return of "And Also The Trees" to the Barn for a recording session over two days tracking live acoustic songs for a new DVD. They were looking for a live vibe with some separation and control, but allowing Simon to track vocals live. We decided to bring out the Soundfield for vocal duties, and use an M/S pair for Justin's guitar, with a combination of the Valve Classic and Brauner for Eza on Double Bass. The Soundfield makes a really great vocal microphone, although it is not normally considered as a first choice in this role. Everybody was really pleased with the quality of the recording as well as the great vibe that the Barn brought to the session. AATT worked really hard over the two days recording twelve tracks in total. There will be some Dulcimer overdubs, and, maybe some guitar, but the vocals and backing vocals were all recorded live. Mixing will be at Raglan House as soon as we have the overdubs finished.

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