Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Audio Doctors!

You know the moment, you are recording at home, you get a great take, and half way through a dog barks, or you are listening back to a take and you realise the laptop's fan came on halfway through.
Over to us, we can often remove the offending sounds from your recordings, or at the very least lower the sounds in level. Contact The Audio Doctor: info@mu-mu.eu or 07770541977

Monday 12 November 2012

Pro Tools 10 and Logic Pro 9

Mu-Mu can now offer in addition to Logic Pro 8 and 9 the industry standard Pro Tools 10 DAW recording software. We can of course export sessions to open in other DAWs, should you so wish.

Monday 6 February 2012

Hunter Not The Hunted

Matthew Devenish has just finished mixing And Also The Trees new album Hunter Not The Hunted. A European tour is planned for April and May 2012. Please check out Only a video from the album on You Tube.

Howard James Kenny Remix

Matthew Devenish and Paul Jones from Celluloid and Mu-Mu have completed a remix of Insects for Howard James Kenny's forthcoming Vinyl Ep and download release of remixes from Shelter Songs.